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Home > @edtr-io/plugin-toolbar

plugin-toolbar package

Defines the Interface for the plugin toolbar


The @edtr-io/plugin-toolbar defines the PluginToolbar interface that needs to be implemented to provide a custom plugin toolbar. See `@edtr-io/default-plugin-toolbar` for the default plugin toolbar used by

Type Aliases

Type AliasDescription
OverlayButtonProps(BETA) Type alias for OverlayButtonProps
OverlayCheckboxProps(BETA) Type alias for OverlayCheckboxProps
OverlayInputProps(BETA) Type alias for OverlayInputProps
OverlaySelectProps(BETA) Type alias for OverlaySelectProps
OverlayTextareaProps(BETA) Type alias for OverlayTextareaProps
PluginToolbar(BETA) Type alias for PluginToolbar
PluginToolbarButtonProps(BETA) Type alias for PluginToolbarButtonProps
PluginToolbarOverlayButtonProps(BETA) Type alias for PluginToolbarOverlayButtonProps