createEditorUiTheme(key, createDefaultTheme) | Creates a function that maps EditorThemeProps to the current theme of the specified editor UI component |
createIcon(i) | Creates an icon component |
createRendererUiTheme(key, createDefaultTheme) | Creates a function that maps RendererThemeProps to the current theme of the specified renderer UI component |
EdtrIcon(props) | icon component |
Icon(props) | Font Awesome Icon component |
merge(payload) | Creates a new object with the own properties of values merged with the own properties of fallback . If a key exists in both objects: and both values are objects, the two values will be recursively merged otherwise the value from the values object will be used. |
RootThemeProvider(props) | Provider to hydrate the context for the Theme |
ThemeProvider(props) | Provider to override the current theme |
useEditorTheme() | React Hook for the editor theming |
useEditorUiTheme(key, createDefaultTheme) | React Hook for the theme of an editor UI component |
useRendererTheme() | React Hook for the renderer theming |
useRendererUiTheme(key, createDefaultTheme) | React Hook for the theme of a renderer UI component |
useTheme() | React Hook to get the current Theme |