blur_2 | |
change | |
copy | (BETA) |
focus_2 | |
focusNext | |
focusPrevious | |
getClipboard | (BETA) |
getDocument | |
getDocuments | |
getFocused | [[Selector]] that returns the id of the focused element (if there is any) |
getFocusPath | [[Selector]] that returns the focus path from the leaf with the given id |
getFocusTree | [[Selector]] that returns the focus tree from the root document with the given id |
getParent | |
getPendingChanges | |
getPlugin | |
getPlugins | |
getRoot | |
hasFocusedChild | [[Selector]] that checks whether the document with the given id has a focused child. In contrast to [[hasFocusedDescendant]], this only returns true if the focused document is a direct child of the document. |
hasFocusedDescendant | [[Selector]] that checks whether the document with the given id has a focused descendant. In contrast to [[hasFocusedChild]], this also returns true if the focused document is an indirect child (e.g. a child of a child of a child). |
hasPendingChanges | |
hasRedoActions | |
hasUndoActions | |
initRoot | |
insert | |
insertChildAfter | |
insertChildBefore | |
isEmpty | |
isFocused | [[Selector]] that checks whether the document with the given id is focused |
mayInsertChild | |
mayRemoveChild | |
persist | |
redo | |
remove | |
removeChild | |
replace | |
reset | |
serializeDocument | Serializes the document with the given id |
serializeRootDocument | |
setPartialState | |
undo | |
unwrap | |
wrap | |