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Home > @edtr-io/plugin-rows > RowsPluginConfig

RowsPluginConfig interface

export interface RowsPluginConfig


i18n{ menu: { searchPlaceholder: string; }; settings: { duplicateLabel: string; removeLabel: string; closeLabel: string; }; toolbar: { dragLabel: string; }; addLabel: string; }
plugins{ name: string; title?: string; icon?: React.ComponentType; description?: string; }[]
theme{ backgroundColor: string; color: string; highlightColor: string; lightBackgroundColor: string; menu: { highlightColor: string; primary: { backgroundColor: string; color: string; }; secondary: { backgroundColor: string; color: string; }; dropzone: { highlightColor: string; backgroundColor: string; color: string; highlightBackgroundColor: string; }; }; }