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Home > @edtr-io/ui > createEditorUiTheme
createEditorUiTheme() function
Creates a function that maps EditorThemeProps to the current theme of the specified editor UI component
Signature:export declare function createEditorUiTheme<K extends keyof EditorUiTheme>(
key: K,
createDefaultTheme: EditorUiThemeFactory<K>
): (theme: {
editor: EditorTheme
editorUi: DeepPartial<EditorUiTheme>
}) => EditorUiTheme[K]
Parameter | Type | Description |
key | K | The editor UI component |
createDefaultTheme | EditorUiThemeFactory<K> | The factory for the default theme |
(theme: { editor: EditorTheme; editorUi: DeepPartial<EditorUiTheme>; }) => EditorUiTheme[K]
A function that accepts EditorThemeProps and returns the current theme of the specified component